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UN Norway introduces SDG 14 at SDGames

September 28, 2022
Afbeelding voor UN Norway introduces SDG 14 at SDGames
Today, the second of our Sustainability Days, was kicked-off with an inspiring presentation by Madeleine Hesstvedt Solstad of UN Norway.

It was a fantastic opportunity for students from around the world to share their knowledge of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and to learn more about the goal in focus; Goal 14: Life Below Water.

Countries and companies are doing their best to make things better, but change must start at a more local level. It is within the younger community – the citizens of tomorrow – that we can make the biggest impact.

This event is an excellent example of that. Starting locally and focusing on what we can all do to make the world more sustainable. By bringing young people across borders, to work together, there is hope – they, the young people, illustrate this hope.

Madeleine Hesstvedt Solstad of UN Norway

This was followed by a day of activities on the Oslofjord, where we all learned, worked together, and had lots of fun.


Global Association of Montessori Education and Sport