Afbeelding voor SDGAMES DRØBAK – NORWAY 2022
Immerse, explore and learn through real experience!


  Drøbak Montessori


Monday 26th of September until Saturday 1st of October 2022.


The participation fee €349 (excluding travel expenses).

Click here to participate


We are planning for the first ever SDGames at Drøbak Montessori in Norway from Monday 26th of September until Saturday 1st of October 2022.

We bring young people, from all over the world, together, with the aim of raising awareness and getting hands-on experience of the chosen goal. We allow young people to immerse themselves in these challenges, and work together to find solutions.

Our host – Drøbak Montessori  School –  is highly committed to environmental issues and have chosen Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water as the area of focus.

The school has built the world’s first Powerhouse educational building. This means that the building produces more energy than it consumes. During the day students learn through real experiences.

The aim is to give them the opportunity to collaborate, to learn, to develop new skills and become more responsible and active members of our global society.

We would like to welcome 10 teams of 6 students, 3 male and 3 female. We suggest that each team be accompanied by at least 2 coaches. Students should be between 11 and 16 years old.

Students will be hosted by host families, who will play an important role of covering Norwegian culture and customs. Various sports and activities will be offered, but this will not be a competition.

Click here to participate
 Participating schools
 Travel tips



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